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Webmaster Post
September 4, 2008
My name is Francine Shaw. I am an intercessor, and received Lee Thomas' book "Praying Effectively for the Lost. I have shared this book with my intercessory group and we are so impressed with all that's in the book we want to order more.
Anonymous Anonymous Post
September 3, 2008
Thank you for your wonderful book - I'm expecting this to be the breakthrough I have been looking for in praying for the lost and seeing results. C.K. Kentucky
Anonymous Anonymous Post
September 3, 2008
Lee, thank you for your obedience and faithfulness to Jesus Christ, that he revealed these truths to you that lines up with scripture. This is truly an answer to prayer for me. K.L. Tennessee
James R. Post
September 3, 2008
Your book is a tremendous labor of love! It is life-changing and must be put into the hands of as many Christians as possible!
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