
April 1, 2009
Truly a Heaven sent book. How awesome to be part of this ministry and the book is so rich with wisdom. I had downloaded mine and it is highlighted, written in and underlined! I learn something new each time I read any part of it!
Cathy C.
Springville NY
Cathy C.
Springville NY

April 1, 2009
I want to say what a great outreach this book is.I know alot of people that wonder why there prayers go unanswered. This book will bless them I'm sure.
Glenn T.
Richmond IN
Glenn T.
Richmond IN
Bryon G. 

March 26, 2009
Today, 3/26/09 I lead a guy to Christ!! IM still excited because he is the 1st i've lead to Christ.I have read through you book it is a annointed book.I thank GOD for you obedince in writing the book.TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!!!!!

February 4, 2009
This little 50 page book was so wonderful, there was scripture after every sentence almost, and that's what I loved about it. I got saved about 2 years ago, and there were so many scriptures in the book that I have never read before. I was so convicted while I was reading it, it made me ashamed of myself for always saying a "wing and a prayer" here and there for my lost friends, and expected God to do all the work. SHAME ON ME! I started to read Christ wept for his people to get saved. He prayed for hours at a time! I am so happy to of read this book, it drew me walking closer with God, and made me want to pray more fervently and deeply for my lost family, and friends. THANKS!
Canton OH
Canton OH

January 29, 2009
I am the pastor of a 3-year old church in Indianapolis, IN. We are in need of a resource that will give us proper perspective on evangelism. I will begin teaching from this book this Sunday during Sunday School. Our church is in need of this resource.
Indianapolis, IN
Indianapolis, IN

January 29, 2009
Since I have read the book and was challenged to renew my fervency in pryaing for the lost, I have seen the dear Lord "stir up" some of my loved ones. My intercession had become lukewarm before I found your book on display at church. Your Spirit-filled book revived my desire to intercede for my lost and backslid loved ones. To God be the glory! He knew I needed your book! Keep up the great work.
Mt. Pleasant, IA
Mt. Pleasant, IA

January 26, 2009
An Evangelist gave my pastor two copies of Praying Effectively for the Lost by Lee E. Thomas. The next day, at or regular 9:00 a.m. Sunday morning prayer meeting, Pastor told us about the book. He used several quotes form it to make us acutely aware that we need to pray for lost people more specifically by name. He also mentioned the book at our 9:30 deacons' meeting and again during the Sunday night worship service.
After the Sunday night service, I asked Pastor if I could see his copy. While I was looking at the book, Pastor said he was thinking about ordering several copies. Right then and there I felt that God wanted me to order 20 copies and send a donation for them. I shared this with Pastor, and he said that is great! As soon as I got home form church, I read chapter one. The first sentence, "The lost will not and indeed cannot be saved unless someone prays for them.", hit me between my spiritual eyes like a bolt of lightning. Over the next two days, as time permitted, I finished reading the book. As I read, I underlined and made notes.
I am sixty eight years old and have been a Christian since I was thirteen. During all these years, I have never had any spiritual experience to open my eyes, heart, and mind about praying for the lost like this little book. Thank you Reverend Thomas for allowing God to work through you to write this inspiring book.
After the Sunday night service, I asked Pastor if I could see his copy. While I was looking at the book, Pastor said he was thinking about ordering several copies. Right then and there I felt that God wanted me to order 20 copies and send a donation for them. I shared this with Pastor, and he said that is great! As soon as I got home form church, I read chapter one. The first sentence, "The lost will not and indeed cannot be saved unless someone prays for them.", hit me between my spiritual eyes like a bolt of lightning. Over the next two days, as time permitted, I finished reading the book. As I read, I underlined and made notes.
I am sixty eight years old and have been a Christian since I was thirteen. During all these years, I have never had any spiritual experience to open my eyes, heart, and mind about praying for the lost like this little book. Thank you Reverend Thomas for allowing God to work through you to write this inspiring book.

January 22, 2009
After just 3 months of praying these prinicple for my grandson-in-law, he was back in church and now does not miss a Sunday!
M.B. Tahlequah, OK
M.B. Tahlequah, OK

September 18, 2008
Thank you so much for the books you sent. They are worth their weight in diamonds! K.S. CA

September 8, 2008
What a great book! The Pastor is so excited to offer it as a course during Sunday School! Pray for us in Oct. as we introduce the Biblical truths in this book to believers in the church in St. Cloud, Florida. Pray for revival and spiritual awakening!